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Compilers and libraries
Lahey Fortran compiler
Doumentation : On vening see /usr/local/lf9561/manuals/
How to use : On vening. Make sure vening is set as a linux machine in your .cshrc. It used to be a HP. Add the path /usr/local/lf9561/bin to your search path and add /usr/local/lf9561/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment setting in your .cshrc. Make sure that you comment out any DIAPASON library paths. These share a library name that is not the same library. To compile just call "lf95 filename".
Notes : Some codes require the --long (long integers) or --dbl (double precision floating points) option to return the correct results.

IMSL libraries
Doumentation : On vening see /usr/local/imsl/man/. IMSL.pdf is a good place to start.
How to use : On vening.
Notes :

Intel Fortran compiler
Doumentation : On vening see /opt/intel/compiler50/docs. for_ug_lnx.pdf is a good place to start.
How to use : On vening.
Notes :

MPICH - open source MPI
Doumentation : On vening see /usr/local/mpich-1.2.3/doc. mpichman-chp4.pdf is a good place to start.
How to use : On vening. We've only tested this with the Lahey compiler. All you have to do is add the path /usr/local/mpich-1.2.3/bin to your .cshrc. Then instead of g77, F90, gcc call mpif77, mpif90, mpicc in your makefile. To run "mpirun -np N -nolocal executable" where N is the number of processors.
Notes :

ScaLAPACK - parallel linear algebra
Doumentation : Not currently installed.
How to use :
Notes :

Load balancing with Mosix
Doumentation : See the Mosix homepage.
How to use : On vening "mosrun -l executable". The -l makes sure the process can migrate.
Notes :

MATLAB with Mosix
This allows you to migrate MATLAB jobs. Great for big jobs.
How to use : On vening "mosrun -l /data46/matlab_r12/bin/matlab -nodisplay -nojvm < m-file".
Notes : The m-file needs to be local (/data) but the toolboxes and files found in the paths defined in the m-file (or your startup.m) need not be.

Open source evolution of IBM's data explorer.
How to use : On vening "/usr/local/dx/bin-linux/dxui".
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