The circle fault problem

Circle fault meshes (Uniform spacing in r and theta)

Format: The sample meshes are given in *.xy files. Their column oriented formats are:

node coordinate and element labels: x y z elem elem elem elem elem elem elem elem
element labels and node coordinate: elem x y z x y z x y z x y z x y z x y z x y z x y z

For the second case the element number is followed by 8 xyz triplets for each of the corners. The files are tab delimited. An element number 0 indicates that the node touches the edge of the model.

How elements are numbered: example figure (2 x 2 x 2 elements) (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), example mesh (2 x 2 x 2 elements) (.xy)
The element number in all of the meshes follow this example. Element numbering starts from the top layer along the x (radial) axis near the origin. Element numbers go vertically then radially then angularly.

20 km radial spacing: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), node coordinates and element labels (.xy), element labels and node coordinates(.xy)
10 km radial spacing: figure (not pretty), node coordinates and element labels (.xy), element labels and node coordinates(.xy)

Some radial solutions:
These results are the surface displacements along lines of constant azimuth. The points correspond to location given in the above meshes. In each case the circle has been discretized and the surface displacments from each small segment (Okada) were summed to obtain the total displacment field. Instead of using a linear taper in slip from 12 to 16 km deep we just have uniform slip to 14 km.

The displacments are given in the somewhat inappropriately named .vel files with the following format:

x y ux uy uz

20 km radial spacing at 45.0 degrees: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), positions and displacments (.vel), with lots of digits (.longvel)
20 km radial spacing at 36.0 degrees: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), positions and displacments (.vel), with lots of digits (.longvel)
10 km radial spacing at 45.0 degrees: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), positions and displacments (.vel), with lots of digits (.longvel)
10 km radial spacing at 40.5 degrees: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), positions and displacments (.vel), with lots of digits (.longvel)
10 km radial spacing at 36.0 degrees: figure (.eps) (.jpg) (.png), positions and displacments (.vel), with lots of digits (.longvel)