FEM working group Bench Mark # 5 Analytic Okada solutions info: To FEMers: I don't mind calculating your disp, strain energy etc if you send me files with xyz coord triples ( no headers). It will take me only a few seconds if they are in the correct format. If you want to do these calcs yourself, read on... Here you should find three things: 1. bm5.m - matlab function, call on matlab command line, with no inputs: >> bm5; The only output is some files, see the function description at the beginning of bm5.m for file and other info. 2. disloc3d_mod2.f - fortran (mex) source code to make mex function. At matlab prompt: >> mex disloc3d_mod2.f This should produce a mex file which you then can call from the command line (bm5.m calls it for you, all you have to do is create the proper mex function for your platform, e.g., for a Sun Solaris, disloc3d_mod2.f --> disloc3d_mod2.mexsol Note: mex functions are system and matlab version dependent. That is, a mex function (*.mex*) created on a Sun will not work on an SGI etc, and a mex function created with Matlab6 will not work with matlab5, etc. See online matlab mex documentation: http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab_external/matlab_external.shtml 3. dc3d.f - fortran source code (written by Okada) for his 1992 paper. disloced_mod2.f serves as a wrapper around dc3d.f looping over many fault patches and many stations and an interface for matlab mex stuff. I got all the fortran and mex stuff downloaded from Peter Cervelli's website (then at Stanford, now at HVO i think). I loooked very quickly and this Stanford site is no longer. I tell you this because i modified Cervelli's original disloc3d.f (into disloc3d_mod2.f) because there was a mistake: it looped before it added instead of adding before looping (an okada geometry detail i can explain in more detail if you want). Moral of the story: discloc3d_mod2.f works correctly. matlab function fault_params_to_okada_form.m is from Brendan Meade, MIT FYI: the fault tapers (in y and z) every 125 meters, which makes for 33 fault patches, each having 1/33 m slip. This is hardcoded in bm5.m and can be changed by changing variable "taperd". Contact: Noah Fay nfay@newberry.uoregon.edu (541) 346-4653