This example page shows
the use and results from track from long baseline kinematic processing. The case shown is high rate (1-sec
sampling) for the hour period around the Dec 21, 2003 San Simeon earthquake. |
All files needed to run
track and the output of track are included here. |
The help file for
track is online. |
Name |
Type |
Track command file (annotated
with comments specific to this data set. (User generated) |
1-second sampled rinex
file for the hour around the San Simeon earthquake (this site is closest to
the epicenter) |
1-second rinex file,
second closest site |
1-second rinex file. Distant site |
1-second rinex file. Third
closest site (in the Park field area) |
1-seoncd distant
site. This site is about 300km
from the earthquake and is used as the FIXED site. |
SP3 orbit file from the
MIT IGS analysis center. (IGS sp3 file could also be used). |
To run track using the above
track -f track.cmd -d
356_19 -w 12501 >! TRAK_356_19.out
Name |
Type |
Screen output from
track. Captured output file with
unix redirect |
Summary file that contains
the main quality results from track including the parameters from the run,
bias parameters and the resolved status and phase residual statistics. |
Position estimates as a
function of time in the NEU systems: Site CRBT |
Position estimates LOWS |
Position estimates PIN1 |
Position estimates POMM |
Phase residuals as
function of time for site CRBT and PRN 04 (these are not generated unless the
res_root command is included in the command file. These files are generated for all sites except the
reference site. (Only the crbt
files are included here). |
Phase residuals PRN 07 |
Phase residuals PRN 08 |
Phase residuals PRN 09 |
Phase residuals PRN 11 |
Phase residuals PRN 26 |
Phase residuals PRN 27 |
Phase residuals PRN 28 |
Phase residuals PRN 29 |
Example plots of the
position results are shown below.
These plots were generated with the shell script sh_plotSanSimeon.
Results for the 1-hour span
of data (generated with sh_plottrack).
Zoom of the 300-seconds of
data around the time of the earthquakes.
The oscillations are surface waves arriving at the different sites.