Welcome to the UROP2021 Web Page!

This site is designed to provide users with information on the movement of the Earth's surface at various locations throughout the world as measured by geophysical stations at those locations.

The plots tab leads to graphs showing the movement of the specific stations over time while the maps tab provides summaries of the movements of all stations within a geographic region.

Information about interpreting the graphs and maps can be found within the respective tabs.

Image of Earth not found
Red dots represent the geophysical stations.
Blue arrows represent how those stations move.
Click the map to stop rotation. Clicking will also rotate the map manually.
This site was developed with the support of the NASA Earh Surface and Interior (ESI) program through grant 80NSSC18K0457

Click here to find additional sites exploring the movement of the Earth.

Click here to learn about the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at MIT!