Curriculum Vitae: Thomas A. Herring |
Birth: |
1955 July 17;
Cooroy, Queensland, Australia |
Education: |
B. Surveying, 1976, University of
Queensland (First Class honors) M. Surveying, 1978, University of
Queensland Ph. D., 1983, Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Experience: |
Special US Government
Employee, NASA, 2013- Professor of Geophysics,
MIT, 1997- Associate Professor of
Geophysics; Department Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 1992–1997. Kerr–McGee Associate
Professor of Geophysics; Department Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary
Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989–1992. Research Associate,
Harvard University, 1983–1989. Visiting Scientist,
Division of National Mapping, Australian Department of Energy and Resources,
1986. Research Assistant,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Earth and Planetary
Sciences, 1979–1983. Tutor (full–time),
University of Queensland, 1977–1978. Tutor (part time),
University of Queensland, 1976. |
Professional Activities: |
Fellow American
Geophysical Union (Geodesy Section). Fellow
International Association of Geodesy (since 1999) American
Association for the Advancement of Science. European
Geosciences Union. IAG Special
Study Group on Atmospheric Refraction, 1986–87. IERS Standards
Committee, 1987–88. Chairman, NASA
Advisory Panel on the Applications of Water–vapor Radiometry, 1988–1990. Member, NASA
Advisory Panel on the Role of VLBI in the 1990s, 1988–1989. Co–convener, AGU
Chapman Conference on GPS Measurements for Geodynamics, 1988. Associate
Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research,
1989–1992. Co–chairman,
NASA Measurement Technique and Technology Panel, 1989. Secretary,
Geodesy Section of American Geophysical Union, 1990-1992. Member, National
Academy of Sciences Committee on Geodesy, March 1990-December 1994. Acting Geodesy
Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research,
1991 Member,
ARISTOTELES GPS system review, 1991. Chairman, NASA
Advisory Panel on SLR data flow, 1991. Member,
IAU/Working group on Astronomical Standards, 1992. Member,
IAG/Working group on the Applications of Space-based Interferometry, 1992. Chairman, AGU
Information Technology Committee, 1992–1996. Chairman,
National Academy of Sciences Committee on Geodesy, 1994-1996. Editorial Board,
Journal of Geodynamics, 1994-1996. Member, National
Academy of Sciences Geodynamics Committee, 1995–1996 Member, National
Research Council Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board’s steering committee
on Optimizing the Differential Global Positioning System Infrastructure for
Scientific Applications, 1995–1996. Program Chair,
American Geophysical Union Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, 19951996. Member, National
Research Council Board on Earth Sciences committee on Gravity Measurements
from Space, 1996-1997. Chairman,
International Association of Geodesy, Commission of International
Coordination of Space, Techniques for Geodesy and Geodynamics, Project on
Space Geodetic Data Combination, 1995-1998. Member, AGU
Budget and Finance Committee, 1996-1998. Member, US
National Committee, IAG Representative, 1996-2004. President,
Geodesy Section, American Geophysical Union, 2000-2002 UNAVCO steering
committee member, 1998-2001 Associate
Editor, JGR Solid Earth, 1998-2006 Associate
Editor, J. Geodesy, 1999-2005 IAG
Representative to IGS Directing Board, 1999-2003 Chair, IAG/CSTG
Combination sub-commission, 1999-2003 Scientific
Director, UNAVCO, 2000-2002 Member, NASA Solid
Earth Sciences Working Group, 2000-2002 Co-Chair, NRC
panel on Availability and Usefulness of NASA’s Space Mission Data, 2001-2002 National
Geodetic Survey Research Review Panel, 2001. EarthScope/PBO working
group member, 2001-2002 Member PBO
Transform siting committee. 2003-2008 Chair, AGU
Whitten Medal committee, 2004-2006 Member, AGU
Fellows Committee, 2006-2008 Member, NRC
Committee on National Requirements for Precision Geodetic Infrastructure,
2008-2009. IERS Analysis
Coordinator, 2010-2018 Chair, IAG Sub
commission 1.1 Coordination of Space Geodetic Techniques, 2011-2014; Coordinating
Board Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), 2013-2017 Chair,
NASA Space Geodetic Program Working Group, 2013-2016 Member,
Earth Science Subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council Science Committee,
2013-2017 Chair,
Advisory Panel to GeoSciences Australia GNSS
software development, 2014-2017. IGS
Analysis Center Coordinator (along with Geosciences Australia) 2016-2021. Member
MIT Committee on the Undergraduate Program (CUP) 2015-2018 Member,
Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation (DAPER) Advisory
Board, 2018-2021 Member,
NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) 2017- Vice-chair,
NASA Earth Science Advisory Committee (ESAC) 2019- ESAC
representative to NASA Science Advisory Council (NAC) 2019- IAG
Service Representative, 2019-2023 |
Awards: |
Commonwealth University Scholarship, 1973. S.E. Reilly Prize in Surveying, 1975. Australian Postgraduate Research Award,
1977. NASA Group Achievement Award, Crustal
Dynamics Project, 1986 and 1993. Macelwane Medal, American
Geophysical Union, 1991. Bomford Prize, International
Association of Geodesy, 1995. Vening-Meinesz Medal, European
Geophysical Union, 2007. Fellow,
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2013. |
1. Books.
1. |
Dynamics of the Earth’s Deep Interior and Earth Rotation, eds. J. L. Mouël, D. E. Smylie, and T. A. Herring, Geophysical Monograph: 72, AGU, Washington, pp 189, 1993. |
2. |
on Geophysics: Chapter 3 Geodesy, editor T. A. Herring, Elsevier, 11-Volume
Set, 1-11
Hardbound, ISBN: 0-444-51928-9, 6054 pages, ISBN: 978-0-444-52748-6,
2007 |
3. |
Treatise on Geophysics (2nd addition): Chapter 3 Geodesy, editor T. A. Herring, Elsevier, 11-Volume Set, 1-11 Hardbound, ISBN: 978-0-444-52748-69, 5604 pages, 2015 |
1. |
Herring, T. A., B. E. Corey, C. C. Counselman III, I. I. Shapiro, B. O. Ronnang, O. E. H. Rydbeck, T. A. Clark, R. J. Coates, C. Ma, J. W. Ryan, N. R. Vandenberg, H. F. Hinteregger, C. A. Knight, A. E. E. Rogers, A. R. Whitney, D. S. Robertson, and B. R. Schupler, Geodesy by radio interferometry: intercontinental distance determinations with subdecimeter precision, J. Geophys. Res., 86, B3, 1647–1651, 1981. |
2. |
Rogers, A. E. E., R. J. Cappallo, H. F. Hinteregger, J. R. Levine, E. F. Nesman, J. C. Webber, A. R. Whitney, T. A. Clark, C. Ma, J. Ryan, B. E. Corey, C. C. Counselman, T. A. Herring, I.I . Shapiro, C. A. Knight, D. B. Schaffer, N. R. Vandenberg, R. Lacasse, R. Mauzy, B. Rayhrer, B. Schupler, and J. C. Pigg, Very–long–baseline Interferometry: The Mark III System for Geodesy, Astrometry, and Aperture Synthesis, Science, 219, 51–54, 1983. |
3. |
Clark, T. A., B. E. Corey, J. L. Davis, T. A. Herring, H. F. Hinteregger, C. A. Knight, J. I. Levine, G. Lundqvist, C. Ma, E. F. Nesman, R. B. Phillips, A. E. E. Rogers, B. Ronnang, J. W. Ryan, B. R. Schupler, D. B. Shaffer, I. I. Shapiro, N. R. Vandenberg, J. C. Webber, and A. R. Whitney, Precision geodesy using the MkIII very–long–baseline interferometer system, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE–23, 438–449, 1985. |
4. |
Davis, J. L., T. A. Herring, I. I. Shapiro, A. E. E. Rogers, and G. Elgered, Geodesy by radio interferometry: effects of atmospheric modeling errors on estimates of baseline length, Radio Science, 20, 1593–1607, 1985. |
5. |
Bartel, N., T. A. Herring, M. I. Ratner, I. I. Shapiro, B. E. Corey, VLBI limits on the proper motion of the “core” of the superluminal quasar 3C 345, Nature, 319, 733–737, 1986. |
6. |
Herring, T. A., I. I. Shapiro, T. A. Clark, C. Ma, J. W. Ryan, B. R. Schupler, C. A. Knight, G. Lundqvist, D. B. Shaffer, N. R. Vandenberg, B. E. Corey, H. F. Hinteregger, A. E. E. Rogers, J. C. Webber, A. R. Whitney, G. Elgered, B. O. Ronnang, and J. L. Davis, Geodesy by radio interferometry: evidence for contemporary plate motion, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 8341–8347, 1986. |
7. |
Herring, T. A., Precision of vertical position estimates from very–long–baseline interferometry, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 9177–9182, 1986. |
8. |
Herring, T. A., C. R. Gwinn, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: studies of the forced nutations of the earth, Part I: data analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 4745–4755, 1986; —, ibid., 91, 14165, 1986. |
9. |
Gwinn, C. R., T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: studies of the forced nutations of the earth, Part II: interpretation, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 4755–4765, 1986. |
10. |
Ma, C., T. A. Clark, J. W. Ryan, T. A. Herring, I. I. Shapiro, B. E. Corey, H. F. Hinteregger, A. E. E. Rogers, A. R. Whitney, C. A. Knight, G. L. Lundqvist, D. B. Shaffer, N. R. Vandenberg, J C Pigg, B. R. Schupler, B. O. Ronnang, Radio–source positions from VLBI, Astron. J., 92, 1020–1029, 1986. |
11. |
Ryan, J. W., T. A. Clark, R. J. Coates, C. Ma, W. T. Wildes, C. R. Gwinn, T. A. Herring, I. I. Shapiro, B. E. Corey, C. C. Counselman, H. F. Hinteregger, A. E. E. Rogers, A. R. Whitney, C. A. Knight, N. R. Vandenberg, J C Pigg, B. R. Schupler, B. O. Ronnang, Geodesy by radio interferometry: Determinations of baseline vector, earth rotation, and solid earth tide parameters with the Mark I very long baseline interferometry system, J. Geophys. Res., 91, 1935–1946, 1986. |
12. |
Herring, T. A., J. L. Davis, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: The application of Kalman filtering to the analysis of VLBI data, J. Geophys. Res., 95, 12561–12581, 1990. |
13. |
Davis, J. L., T. A. Herring, and I.I. Shapiro, Effects of atmospheric modeling errors on determinations of baseline vectors from VLBI, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 643–650, 1991. |
14. |
Elgered, G., J. L. Davis, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: Water vapor radiometry for the estimation of the wet delay, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 6541–6556, 1991. |
15. |
Mathews, P. M., B. A. Buffet, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Forced nutations of the Earth: Influence of inner core dynamics 1. Theory, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 8219–8243, 1991. |
16. |
Mathews, P. M., B. A. Buffet, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Forced nutations of the Earth: Influence of inner core dynamics 2. Numerical results and comparisons, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 8243–8258, 1991. |
17. |
Herring, T. A., B. A. Buffet, P. M. Mathews, and I. I. Shapiro, Forced nutations of the Earth: Influence of inner core dynamics 3. Very long baseline interferometry data analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 96, 8259–8274, 1991. |
18. |
Herring, T. A., The rotation of the Earth, U.S. National Report 1987–1990, 172–175, 1991. |
19. |
Feigl, K. L, R. W. King, T. A. Herring, and M. Rotchacher, A scheme for reducing the effect of selective availability on precise geodetic measurements from the Global Positioning System, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1289–1292, 1991. |
20. |
Herring, T. A., D. Dong, and R. W. King, Submilliarcsecond Pole Position determination using Global Positioning System Data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 18, 1893–1897, 1991. |
21. |
Chao, B. F., D. Dong, H. S. Lui, and T. A. Herring, Libration in the Earth’s rotation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 2007–2010, 1991. |
22. |
Herring T. A., Submillimeter horizontal position determination using very long baseline interferometry, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 1981–1990, 1992. |
23. |
Tralli, D. M., S. M. Lichten, and T. A. Herring, Comparison of Kalman Filter estimates of zenith atmospheric path delays using the global positioning system and very long baseline interferometry, Radio Science, 27, 999–1007, 1992. |
24. |
Bevis, M., S. Businger, T. A. Herring, C. Rocken, R. A. Anthes, R. H. Ware, GPS Meteorology: Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Water Vapor using the Global Positioning system, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 15,787–15,801, 1992. |
25. |
Bock, Y., D. C. Agnew, P. Fang, J. F. Genrich, B. H. Hager, T. A. Herring, K. W. Hudnut, R. W. King, S. Larsen, J.-B. Minster, K. Stark, S. Wdowinski, and F. K. Wyatt, Detection of crustal deformation from the Landers earthquake sequence using continuous geodetic measurements, Nature, 361, 337-340, 1993. |
26. |
Bevis, M., R. A. Anthes, T. A. Herring, C. Rocken, and R. H. Ware, GPS Meteorology: Mapping zenith wet delays onto precipitable water, J. Applied Meteorology, 33, 379–386, 1994. |
27. |
Buffett, B. A., P. M. Mathews, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Forced nutations of the Earth: Contributions for the effects of ellipticity and rotation on the elastic deformation, J. Geophys. Res. , 98, 21,659–21,676, 1993. |
28. |
Feigl, K. L., D. C. Agnew, Y. Bock, D. Dong, A. Donnellan, B. H. Hager, T. A. Herring, D. D. Jackson, T. H. Jordan, R. W. King, S. Larsen, K. M. Larson, M. H. Murray, Z-K Shen, and F. H. Webb, Measurement of the velocity field of central and southern California, 1984-1992, J. Geophys. Res. , 98, 21,677–21,712, 1993. |
29. |
Donnellan, A., B. H. Hager, R. W. King, and T. A. Herring, Geodetic determination of shortening across the Ventura Basin, southern California, A. J. Geophys. Res., 98, 21,727–21,740, 1993. |
30. |
VanDam, T. M., and T. A. Herring, Detection of atmospheric pressure loading using very long baseline interferometry measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 4505–4517, 1994. |
31. |
Herring, T. A. and D. Dong, Diurnal and semidiurnal rotational variations and tidal parameters of the Earth, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 18,051–18,072, 1994. |
32. |
Freedman, A. P. R. Ibanez-Meier, S. M. Lichten, J. O. Dickey, and T. A. Herring, Sub-daily Earth rotation during the Epoch-‘92 campaign, Geophys. Res. Lett., 21, 769–772, 1994. |
33. |
Eubanks, T. M., D. N. Matsakia, B. A. Archinal, M. S. Carter, D. M. Hall, F. J. Josties, K. A. Kingham, J. O. Martin, D. D. McCarthy, T. A. Herring and S. A. Klioner, The absolute proper motion of the extragalatic radio source 4C39.25, submitted A.J., July, 1995. |
34. |
Herring, T. A., VLBI data, acquisition, environmental effects, Rev. Geophys., 33, 345-348, 1995. |
35. |
Lebach, D. E., B. E. Corey, I. I. Shapiro, M. I. Ratner, J. C. Webber, A. E. E. Rogers, J. L. Davis and T. A. Herring, Measurement of the Solar gravitational deflection of radio waves using very long baseline interferometry, Phys. Rev. Letts., 75, 1439, 1995. |
36. |
Hudnut, K. W., Z. Shen, M. Murray, S. McClusky, R. King, T. Herring, B. Hager, Y. Feng, P. Fang, A. Donnellan, and Y. Bock, Co-seismic displacements of the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, Bull. Seismo. Soc. Amer., 86,S19-S35, 1996. |
37. |
Herring, T. A., The Global Positioning System, Scientific America, Feb., 44-50, 1996. |
38. |
Duan, J., M. Bevis, P. Fang, Y. Bock, S. Chiswell, S. Businger, C. Rocken, F. Solheim, T. VanHove, R. Ware, S. McClusky, T. Herring, and R. King, GPS Meteorology: Direct estimation of the absolute value of precipitable water, J. App. Met., 35, 830–838, 1996. |
39. |
Bevis, M., S. Chiswell, A. Businger, T. A. Herring, and Y. Bock, Estimating wet delays using numerical weather analyses and predictions, Radio Science, 31, 477–487, 1996. |
40. |
Fang, M., B. H. Hager, and T. A. Herring, Surface deformation caused by pressure changes in the fluid core, Geophys. Res. Lett., 23, 1493-1496, 1996. |
41. |
Abdrakhmatov, K. Ye., S. A. Aldazhanov, B. H. Hager, M. W. Hamburger, T. A. Herring, K. B. Kalabaev, V. I. Makarov, P. Molnar, S. V. Panasyuk, M. T. Prilepin, R.Reilinger, I. S. Sadybakasov , B. Souter, Yu. A. Trapeznikov, V. Ye. Tsurkov, and A. V. Zubovich, Global Positioning System bound on the rate and duration of crustal shortening across the Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, Nature, 384, 450–453, 1996. |
42. |
Bevis, M., Y. Bock, P. Fang, R. Reilinger, T. Herring, J. Stowell, and R. Smalley Jr. Blending old and new approaches to regional GPS geodesy, EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union, 78, 61,64–66, 1997. |
43. |
Chen, G. and T. A. Herring, Effects of atmospheric azimuthal asymmetry of the analysis of space geodetic data, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 20,489–20,502, 1997. |
44. |
Bock, Y., S. Wdowinskii, P. Fang, J. Behr, J. Genrich, S. Williams, D. Agnew, F. Wyatt, H. Johnson, S. Marquez, B. Oral, K. Hudnut, R. King, T. Herring, K. Stark, S. Dinardo, W. Young, D. Jackson, and W. Gurtner, Southern California permanent GPS geodetic array: Continuous measurements of regional crustal deformation, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 18,013–18,033, 1997. |
45. |
Shen, Z., D. Dong, T. Herring, K. Hudnut, D. Jackson, R. King, S. McClusky, and L. Sung, Crustal deformation measured in Southern California, EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union, 79, 477,482 , 1997. |
46. |
Dickey, J. O., C. R. Bentley, R. Bilham, J. A. Carton, R. J. Eanes, T. A. Herring, W. M. Kaula, G. S. E. Lagerloef, S. Rojstaczer, W. H. F. Smith, H. M. van den Dool, J. M. Wahr, and M. T. Zuber, Satellite Gravity: Insights into the solid Earth and its fluid envelope, EOS Trans., American Geophysical Union, 79, 237, 242–243, 1998. |
47. |
Dong D., T. A. Herring, and R. W. King, Estimating Regional Deformation from a Combination of Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Data, J. Geodesy, 72, 200–214, 1998. |
48. |
Dehant V, Arias F, Bizouard C, Bretagnon P, Brzezinski A, Buffett B, Capitaine N, Defraigne P, De Viron O, Feissel M, Fliegel H, Forte A, Gambis D, Getino J, Gross R, Herring T, Kinoshita H, Klioner S, Mathews PM, McCarthy D, Moisson X, Petrov S, Ponte RM, Roosbeek F, Salstein D, Schuh H, Seidelmann K, Soffel M, Souchay J, Vondrak J, Wahr JM, Wallace P, Weber R, Williams J, Yatskiv Y, Zharov V, Zhu SY, Considerations concerning the non-rigid Earth nutation theory, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 74 (4) , 245-310, 1998 |
49. |
Herring, T. A., Geodetic Applications of GPS, Proceedings of the IEEE, 87, 1, 92–110, 1999. |
50. |
Rothacher. M, G. Beutler,
T. A. Herring, and R. Weber, Estimation of Nutations
using the Global Positioning System, J.
Geophys. Res., 104, 4835–4860, 1999. |
51. |
Herring, T. A., You are Here, Science Spectra, 18, 36–47, 1999. |
52. |
Bevis, M., E. Kenrick, R. Smalley Jr., T. Herring, J. Godoy, F. Galban, Crustal Motion North and South of the Arica
Deflection: Comparing Recent Geodetic Results from the Central Andes, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 1, Paper number 1999GC000011, 1999. |
53. |
Kogan,M. G., G. M. Steblov, R.
W. King, T. A. Herring, D. I. Frolov, S. G. Egorov, V. Y. Levin, A. Lerner-Lam, A. Jones, Geodetic
constraints on the rigidity and relative motion of Eurasia and North America,
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, 2041–2045, 2000. |
54. |
Altamimi, Z., D. Angermann, D. Argus, G. Blewitt, C. Boucher, B. Chao, H.
Drewes, R. Eanes, M. Feissel,
R. Ferland, T. Herring, B. Holt, J. Johannson, K. Larson, C. Ma, J. Manning, C. Meertens, A. Nothnagel, E. Pavlis, G. Petit, J. Ray, H-G. Scherneck,
P. Sillards, and M. Warkins,
The Terrestrial Reference Frame and the Dynamic Earth, EOS Tran. AGU; 82 (25), 275, 278-279, 2001 |
55. |
Mathews, P. M., T. A. Herring, and B. A. Buffett, Modeling of
Nutation-Precession: New nutation series for nonrigid Earth, and insights
into the Earth's interior, in press J. Geophs. Res., ETG 3-26, 2001JB000390, 2002. |
56. |
Buffett, B. A., P. M. Mathews, and Herring, T. A., Modeling of
Nutation-Precession: Effects of the Magnetic Coupling, J. Geophs. Res., ETG 5-14,
2001JB000056, 2002. |
57. |
Herring, T. A., P. M. Mathews, and B. A. Buffett, Modeling of
Nutation-Precession: Very long baseline interferometry results, J. Geophs. Res.,
ETG 4-12, 2001JB000165, 2002. |
58. |
Shimada, S, H. Seko, H. Nakamura, K. Aonashi, and T. Herring, The impact of atmospheric
mountain lee waves on systematic geodetic errors observed using the Global
Positioning System, Earth Planets
Space, 54, 425-430, 2002. |
59. |
J., B. Schutz, W.Abdalati, J.Abshire,
C.Bentley, A.Brenner, J.Bufton, J. Dezio, D.Hancock, D.Harding, T.Herring, B.Minster, K.Quinn, S.Palm, J.Spinhirne, R.Thomas, ICESat's Laser measurements of polar ice, atmosphere,
ocean and land, Journal of Geodynamics,
34, 405-445, 2002. |
60. |
H. J., W. Abdalati, T. Herring, K. Larson, J. Saba,
and K. Steffen, Surface Melt-Induced Acceleration of Greenland Ice-Sheet
Flow, Science, 297, 218-222, 2002. |
61. |
Herring, T. A.,
MATLAB Tools for viewing GPS velocities and time series, GPS Solutions, 7, 194-199,
DIO 10.1007/s10291-003-0068-0, 2003. |
62. |
Solomon, S. C., V. Baker, J.
Bloxham, J. Booth, A. Donnellan, C. Elachi, D.
Evans, E. Rignot, D. Burbank, B. Chao, A. Chave, A. Gillespie, T. Herring, R. Jeanloz,
J. LaBrecque, B. Minster, W. Pittman III, M.
Simons, D. Turcotte, ML. Zoback, Plan for Living on a Restless Planet Sets NASA's Solid
Earth Agenda, Eos Trans. AGU,
84(45), 485. 2003 |
63. |
Nguyen, A. T., T. A. Herring, Analysis of
ICESat data using Kalman filter and kriging to study height changes in East
Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L23S03,
doi:10.1029/2005GL024272, 2005 |
64. |
Tregoning, P. and T. A.
Herring, Impact of a priori zenith hydrostatic delay errors on GPS estimates
of station heights and zenith total delays, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33,1.23303 dio
10.1029/2006GL027706, 2006. |
65. |
Freed A. M., R. Bürgmann, T. Herring, Far-reaching transient motions after Mojave earthquakes require broad mantle flow beneath a strong crust, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L19302, doi:10.1029/2007GL030959, 2007. |
66. |
Ergintav, S., S. McClusky, E. Hearn, R. Reilinger,
R. Cakmak, H. Ozener, E.
Tari, and T. Herring, Seven years of postseismic deformation following the
1999, M = 7.4, and M = 7.2, Izmit-Duzce,
Turkey earthquake sequence, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B7, doi:10.1029/2008JB006021, 2009
67. |
Beavan, J., P. Denys, M. Denham, B. Hager, T. Herring, and P. Molnar, Distribution of present‐day vertical deformation across the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from 10 years of GPS data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L16305, doi:10.1029/2010GL044165, 2010 |
68. |
Zubovich, A. V., X. Wang, Y. G. Scherba, G. G. Schelochkov, R. Reilinger, C. Reigber, O. I. Mosienko, P. Molnar, W. Michajljow, V. I. Makarov, J. Li, S. I. Kuzikov, T. A. Herring, M. W. Hamburger, B. H. Hager, Y. Dang, V. D. Bragin, and R. T. Beisenbaev, GPS velocity field for the Tien Shan and surrounding regions, Tectonics, 29, TC6014, doi:10.1029/2010TC002772, 2010. |
69. |
Wei, S., E. Fielding, S. Leprince, A. Sladen, J. Avouac, D. Helmberger, E. Hauksson, R. Chu, M. Simons, K. Hudnut, T. Herring, and R. Briggs, Superficial simplicity of the 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake of Baja California in Mexico, Nature Geoscience 4, 615–618 (2011) doi:10.1038/ngeo1213 |
70. |
Freed, A., T. Herring, R. Burgmann, Steady-state laboratory flow laws alone fail to explain postseismic observations, EPSL, 300, Pages 1-10, ISSN 0012-821X, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2010.10.005. 2010. |
71. |
Ji, K. H., T. Herring, Transient signal detection using GPS measurements: Transient Inflation at Akutan Volcano, Alaska, During Early 2008, Geophys. Res. Letters, L06307, doi:10.1029/2011GL046904, 2011 |
72. |
Shen, Z.‐K., R. W. King, D. C. Agnew, M. Wang, T. A. Herring, D. Dong, and P. Fang (2011), A unified analysis of crustal motion in Southern California, 1970–2004: The SCEC crustal motion map, J. Geophys. Res., 116, B11402, doi:10.1029/2011JB008549. |
73. |
Bruyninx, C, Z. Altamimi, M. Becker, M. Craymer, L. Combrinck, A. Combrink, J. Dawson, R. Dietrich, R. Fernandes, R. Govind, T. Herring, A. Kenyeres, R. King, C. Kreeme, D. Lavallée, J. Legrand, L. Sánchez, G. Sella, Z. Shen, A. Santamaría-Gómez and G. Wöppelmann, A Dense Global Velocity Field Based on GNSS Observations: Preliminary Results, International Association of Geodesy Symposia, Volume 136, Part 1, 19-26, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_3, 2012. |
74. |
Ji, K. H. and T.
A. Herring, Correlation between changes in groundwater levels and surface
deformation from GPS measurements in the San Gabriel Valley, California, Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L01301, 2012. doi:10.1029/2011GL050195. |
75. |
Ji, K. H. and T.
A. Herring , A method for detecting transient
signals in GPS position time-series: smoothing and principal component
analysis, Geophysical Journal
International; doi:
10.1093/gji/ggt003, 2013.
ijkey=YyTqenOJc4uto9p&keytype=ref |
76. |
K. H. and T. A. Herring, Testing Kalman Smoothing/PCA Transient Signal
Detection Using Synthetic Data, Seismol. Res.
Letters, May/June 2013, 84, 433-443, doi:10.1785/0220120155, 2013. |
77. |
Ji, K. H., T. A. Herring and A.
L. Llenos, Near
real-time monitoring of volcanic surface deformation from GPS measurements at
Long Valley Caldera, California, Geoph. Res. Letts. 40, 1054–1058, dio:10.1002/grl.50258,
2013. |
78. |
Collilieux, X, Z. Altamimi, D. F. Argus, C. Boucher, A. Dermanis, B. J. Haines, T. A. Herring, C. W. Kreemer, F. G. Lemoine, C. Ma, D. S. MacMillan, J. Mäkinen, L. Métivier, J. Ries, F. N. Teferle, X. Wu, External evaluation of the Terrestrial Reference Frame: report of the task force of the IAG sub-commission 1.2, C. Rizos and P. Willis (eds.), Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, International Association 197 of Geodesy Symposia 139, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37222-3__25, 2014. |
79. |
Stevens, L. A., M. D. Behn, J.
J. McGuire, S. B. Das, I. Joughin, T. Herring, D.
E. Shean, M. A. King, Greenland supraglacial lake
drainages triggered by hydrologically induced basal slip, Nature, 522, 73–76
(04 June 2015) doi:10.1038/nature14480 |
80. |
Ju, B., Gu, D., Herring, T.A., Allende-Alba, G., Montenbruck, O. and Wang, Z., 2017. Precise orbit and
baseline determination for maneuvering low earth orbiters. GPS
solutions, 21(1), pp.53-64. DOI: 10.1007/s10291-015-0505-x |
81. |
Jha, B., F. Bottazzi, R.
Wojcik, M. Coccia, N. Bechor,
D. McLaughlin, T. A. Herring, B. H. Hager, S. Mantica,
R. Juanes, Reservoir characterization in an
underground gas storage field using joint inversion of flow and geodetic
International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics,
NAG-15-0034 , 39(14):1619-1638,
2015. DOI:10.1002/nag.v39.14
82. |
Pankratius, V., J. Li, M. Gowanlock, D. M. Blair, C. Rude, T. Herring, F. Lind, P.
J. Erickson, C. Lonsdale, Computer-Aided
Discovery: Towards Scientific Insight Generation with Machine Support, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31, 4, pp
3-10, DOI 10.1109/MIS.2016.60,
2016. |
83. |
Li, J., C. Rude, D. Blair, M. Gowanlock,
T. Herring, V. Pankratius, Computer Aided Detection
of Transient Inflation Events at Alaska Volcanoes using GPS Measurements from
2005-2015, Journal of Volcanology and
Geothermal Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.10.003 |
84. |
Herring, T.A., T. I. Melbourne, M. H. Murray, M. A.
Floyd, W. M. Szeliga, R. W. King, D. A. Phillips, C. M. Puskas, M. Santillan,
and L. Wang, Plate Boundary Observatory
and Related Networks: GPS Data Analysis Methods and Geodetic Products, (2016)
Rev. Geophys., 54, doi:10.1002/2016RG000529. |
85. |
Stevens, L., M. Behn, S. Das, I. Joughin, B. Noel, M. van den Broeke, T. Herring, Greenland Ice Sheet flow response to runoff variability (2016), Geophys. Res. Letts, 2016GL070414. |
86. |
Çırmık, A., Pamukçu,
O., Gönenç, T., Kahveci,
M., Şalk,
M., Herring, T., Examination of the kinematic structures in İzmir
(Western Anatolia) with repeated GPS observations (2009, 2010 and 2011),
Journal of African Earth Sciences (2017), doi:
10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2016.11.020. |
87. |
Ju, B., Gu, D., Chang, X., Herring, T.A., Duan, X. and Wang, Z., 2017. Enhanced cycle slip
detection method for dual-frequency BeiDou GEO
carrier phase observations. GPS Solutions, 21(3),
pp.1227-1238. |
88. |
Herring, T. C. Gu, M. N. Toksöz,
J. Parol, A. Al-Enezi, F.
Al-Jeri, J. Al-Qazweeni, H. Kamal, O. Büyüköztürk, (2018) GPS measured response of a tall
building due to a distant Mw 7.3 earthquake, Seis. Res. Lett, 90(1), 149:159. |
89. |
Floyd, M.A., and T. A. Herring (2019) Fast
Statistical Approaches to Geodetic Time Series Analysis in “Geodetic
Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences)”, Eds. J.-P. Montillet
and M. Bos, Springer
Nature Switzerland, 157–83.
90. |
Lei, and Thomas Herring. 2019. “Impact of Estimating Position Offsets on the
Uncertainties of GNSS Site Velocity Estimates.” Journal of Geophysical
Research: Solid Earth 124 (October): 13452– 13467. |
91. |
Li, J., C. M. Rude, V. Pankratius,
M. Gowanlock and T. A. Herring, Machine Learning in
Atmospheric Turbulence Detection: A Fusion Approach with GPS and MODIS, Computers & Geosciences, submitted
July, 2019. |
92. |
Guillaume, Cody Rude, Thomas Herring, and Victor Pankratius.
2019. “Generative Modeling of InSAR Interferograms.”
Earth and Space Science 6 (12): 2671–83. |
93. |
M., G. Funning, Y. Fialko, R. Terry, T. Herring,
"Survey and Continuous GNSS in the vicinity of the July 2019 Ridgecrest
earthquakes", Seis. Res. Lett., SRL-D-19-00324, Data Mine /
Ridgecrest, in press, 2020. |
3. Proceedings in
Refereed Conferences
1. |
Herring, T. A., B. E. Corey, I. I. Shapiro, A. E. E. Rogers, A. R. Whitney, T. A. Clark, C. A. Knight, C. Ma, J. W. Ryan, B. R. Schupler, N. R. Vandenberg, G. Elgered, G. Lundqvist, B. O. Ronnang, J. Campbell, and P. Richards, Determination of tidal parameters from VLBI observations, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Earth tides, E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, 205–211, 1982 |
2. |
Bartel, N., M. I. Ratner, I.I. Shapiro, T. A. Herring, B. E. Corey, Proper motion of components of the quasar 3C 345, in VLBI and Compact Radio Sources, R. Fanti et al. (eds), 113–116, 1984. |
3. |
Herring, T. A., C. R. Gwinn, B. A. Buffett, and I. I. Shapiro, Bound on the amplitude of the Earth’s free core–nutation, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 128, The Earth’s rotation and Reference frame for geodesy and geodynamics, A. K. Babcock and G. A. Wilkins (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, 293–299, 1988. |
4. |
Davis, J. L., T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: 1–2 part–per–billion precision for transcontinental baselines, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 129, The Impact of VLBI on Astrophysics and Geophysics, M. Reid and J. M. Moran (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, 367–368, 1988. |
5. |
Elgered, G., J. L. Davis, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, Methods of correction for the “wet” atmosphere in estimating baseline lengths from VLBI, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 129, The Impact of VLBI on Astrophysics and Geophysics, M. Reid and J. M. Moran (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, 543–544, 1988. |
6. |
Herring, T. A., VLBI studies on the nutations of the Earth, Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 129, The Impact of VLBI on Astrophysics and Geophysics, M. Reid and J. M. Moran (eds.), Reidel, Dordrecht, 371–376, 1988. |
7. |
Herring, T. A., Blowing in the wind, Nature, News and Views, 334, 102, 1988. |
8. |
Herring, T. A., and R. W. King, Report of the Chapman conference on GPS measurements for geodynamics, EOS Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 71, 1819 (1824), 1990. |
9. |
Herring, T. A., The ZMOA-1990 nutation series, in Proceedings of IAU colloquium No. 127, Reference Systems, US Naval Observatory, Washington. D.C., 157–166, 1991. |
10. |
Herring, T. A., and D. Dong, Current and future accuracy of Earth rotation measurements, in Proceedings of the Chapman conference on Geodetic VLBI: Monitoring Global Change, NOAA Technical Report NOS 137 NGS 49, W. E. Carter (Ed.), 306–324, 1991. |
11. |
Herring, T. A., Modeling Atmospheric delays in the analysis of space geodetic data, in Proceedings of Refraction of Transatmospheric signals in Geodesy, eds. J. C. De Munck and T. A. Th.Spoelstra, Netherlands Geodetic Commission Publications on Geodesy, 36, 157–164, 1992. |
12. |
Herring, T. A., Diurnal and semidiurnal variations in Earth rotation, in Advances in Space Research, 13, 11,281–11,290, Pergamom Press, New York, 1993. |
13. |
Herring, T. A., An apriori model for the reduction of nutation observations: KSV1994.3 nutation series, Highlights of Astronomy, 10, 222-227, 1995. |
14. |
Herring, T. A. and S. Shimada, Estimating Spatial Variations in Atmospheric Delays using GPS, Proceeding of the GPSMet conference, Tokyo, Japan, 1997. |
15. |
Herring, T. A., Combination of Space Geodetic Measurements, Proceedings of the GEMSTONE symposium, Communications Research Laboratory, Tokoyo, Japan, pp. 112-116, 1999. |
16 |
Beavan, R.J.; Matheson, D.W.; Denys, P.; Denham, M.; Herring, T.; Hager, B.; Molnar, P. 2003 A vertical deformation profile across the Southern Alps, New Zealand, from 3.5 years of continuous GPS data.12 p. In: Proceedings of the workshop : the state of GPS vertical positioning precision : separation of earth processes by space geodesy, April 2-4, 2003, Luxembourg. Luxembourg: European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology. Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie 23 |
17 |
Schmid, R., G. Mader, T. Herring, From Relative to Absolute Phase Center Corrections, Proceedings IGS Berne Workshop, Session 10, 209-220, 2005. |
4. Other Major Publications
1. |
Counselman, C. C., R. J. Cappallo, S. A. Gourevitch, R. L. Greenspan, T. A. Herring, R. W. King, A. E. E. Rogers, I. I. Shapiro, R. E. Snyder, D. H. Steinbrecher, A. R. Whitney, Accuracy of relative positioning by interferometry with GPS: Double–blind test results, Proceedings of the third international geodetic symposium on satellite Doppler positioning, DMA & NGS New Mexico State University, Vol. 2, 1983. |
2. |
Herring, T. A., The precision and accuracy of intercontinental distance determinations using radio interferometry. Ph. D. Thesis, MIT, 1983. See also USAF Report AFGL–TR–84–0182. |
3. |
Herring, T. A., C. R. Gwinn, and I. I. Shapiro, Geodesy by radio interferometry: corrections to the IAU 1980 nutation series, Proceedings of the MERIT/COTES meeting, ed. by I. Mueller, 307–325, 1985. |
4. |
Herring, T. A., Very–long–baseline interferometry and its contributions to geodynamics, in Space Geodesy and Geodynamics, A.J. Anderson and A. Cazenave, eds., Academic Press, New York, 169–196, 1986. |
5. |
Greene, B. A., and T. A. Herring, Multiple wavelength laser Ranging, to appear in Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Laser ranging instrumentation, J. Garnebet, Ed., Antibes, France, 1986. |
6. |
Herring, T. A., Corrections to the IAU 1980 nutation series, BIH Annual Report for 1987, Bureau International De L’Heure, Paris, D104–D106, 1988. |
7. |
Elgered, G., J. L. Davis, T. A. Herring, and I. I. Shapiro, The effects of WVR data from Onsala on the repeatability of baseline length determination, Proceedings of the 6th Working group meeting on European VLBI for geodesy and astrometry, P. Tomasi, Ed., Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Instituto di Radioastronomia, Bologna, 95–98, 1988. |
8. |
Herring, T. A., Short term dynamics of the Earth: precession and nutation, in The interdisciplinary role of space geodesy, I.I. Mueller and S. Zerbini (eds.), Springer–Verlag, Berlin, 14–17, 1989. |
9. |
Herring, T. A., T. A., Clark, and A. E. E. Rogers, Very long baseline interferometry, in Solid Earth Sciences in the 1990’s. Vol. 3. Measurement techniques and technology panel Report, 54-64, NASA TM 4256, 1991. |
10. |
Herring, T. A., T. A., Clark, Other microwave techniques, in Solid Earth Sciences in the 1990’s. Vol. 3. Measurement techniques and technology panel Report, 65-67, NASA TM4256, 1991. |
11. |
Strange, W., R. Allenby, T. Herring, and M. Pearlman, Measurement validation and system integration, in Solid Earth Sciences in the 1990’s. Vol. 3. Measurement techniques and technology panel Report, 78-82, NASA TM 4256, 1991. |
12. |
Herring, T. A., and M. R. Pearlman, Future developments and Synergism of Space Geodetic Measurement techniques, Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics: Technology, Geodynamics Series, 25, 21–26, American Geophysical Union, Washington, 1993. |
13. |
Rogers, A. E. E., R. J. Cappallo, B. E. Corey, H. F. Hinteregger, A. E. Niell, R. B. Phillips, D. L. Smythe, A. R. Whitney, T. A. Herring, J. M. Bosworth, T. A. Clark, C. Ma, J. W. Ryan, J. L. Davis, I. I. Shapiro, G. Elgered, K. Jaldehag, J. M. Johansson, B. O. Ronnang, W. E. Carter, J. R. Ray, D. S. Robertson, T. M. Eubanks, K. A. Kingham, R. C. Walker, W. E. Himwich, C. E. Kuehn, D. S. MacMillan, R. I. Potash, D. B. Shaffer, N. R. Vandenberg, J. C. Webber, R. L. Allshouse, B. R. Schupler, and D. Gordon, Improvements in the accuracy of Geodetic VLBI, Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics: Technology, Geodynamics Series, 25, 47–64, American Geophysical Union, Washington, 1993. |
14. |
Herring, T. A., Earth, Motion of, MacMillan Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, MacMillan Publishing Co., New York, Eds N. Barlow, D. Brandt, M. E. Kauffman, D. W., Mittlefehldt, B. J. Skinner, Vol. 1, 181–183, 1996. |
15. |
Herring, T. A., Geodesy, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 9th Edition Vol. 8, Updated 2006. |
5. Internal Memoranda and Progress Reports
A number of reports have been written for the U.S. Air Force and NASA.
1. |
Herring, T. A., GLOBK: Global Kalman filter VLBI and GPS Analysis program, Vers 3.1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp. 65, 1993. |
2. |
Herring, T. A., GLOBK: Global Kalman filter VLBI and GPS Analysis program, Vers 4.1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp.80, 1998. |
3. |
Herring, T. A., GLOBK: Global Kalman filter VLBI and GPS Analysis program, Release 10.0, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp.98, March, 2002. See also |
6. Invited Lectures since 1989.
January 1989, “Water Vapor Radiometry,” National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado. |
December 1989, “Comparison of Kalman filter estimates of zenith tropospheric path delays using the global positioning system and very long baseline interferometry,” American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco. |
December 1989, “Measurement technique and technology panel report,” American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco. |
April 1990, “Very Long Baseline Interferometry in the 1990s,” European Geophysical Society Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
May 1990, “Tidal Displacements and the Determination of Short Period Earth Rotation Variations,” American Geophysical Union Meeting, Baltimore. |
December 1990, “Geodetic Results from the October 1989 Extended R&D VLBI experiment,” American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco. |
June 1991, “ Studies of High Frequency Earth Rotation Variations Using Very Long Baseline Interferometry,” 1991 North American Radio Science Meeting and International IEEE/AP-S Symposium, London, Ontario. |
August 1991, “Space Geodetic Observations of the Rotation of the Earth and Their Dynamic Implications.,” International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Symposium on Dynamics of the Earth’s Deep Interior and Earth Rotation, Vienna, Austria. |
September 1991, “Global Strain Rate Determination Using Very Long Baseline Interferometry,” AGU Chapman Conference on Time Dependent Positioning: Modeling Crustal Deformation, Annapolis, Maryland. |
April 1992, “High Frequency Earth Rotation Measurements,” European Geophysical Society Meeting, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
May 1992, “Modeling Atmospheric Delays in the Analysis of Space Geodetic Data”, Refraction of Transatmospheric Signals in Geodesy symposium, The Hague, Netherlands. |
December 1992, “Space Geodetic Studies of the Earth’s Interior” Birch Lecture, and “Tidally coherent, diurnal and semidiurnal variations in the Rotation of the Earth” American Geophysical Union Meeting, San Francisco. |
February, 1993, “Applications of GLOBK to the analysis of GPS data”, UCLA Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Los Angeles, California. |
April, 1993, “Atmospheric Gradients and Mapping Function Variations Measured with Very Long Baseline Interferometry”, Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, MD. |
May, 1993, “Effects of Selective Availability and Anti-spoofing on GPS data”, Ocean Sciences Board Meeting, Washington, DC. |
June, 1993, “Effects of GPS Security systems on precise navigation”, Environmental Task Force sub-committee Meeting, Boulder, CO. |
October, 1993, “Accuracy of Global Positioning System studies of active tectonics”, GSA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. |
December, 1993, “Global Positioning System studies of active tectonics”, Fall AGU meeting San Francisco, CA. |
March, 1994, “Why can’t we see the free nutations of the Earth’s fluid core?” Department of Physics, University of Toronto, Canada. |
March, 1994, “Diurnal and Semidiurnal Earth rotation variations”, IERS and IGS Workshops, Paris, France. |
August, 1994, “An apriori model for the reduction of nutation observations: KSV_1994.2 Nutation Series” IAU Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands. |
December, 1994, “VLBI Measurements of contemporary plate motions”, Fall AGU meeting San Francisco, CA. |
December, 1994, “Combined global VLBI and GPS Reference frames”, Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
July, 1995, “Observability of Inner core parameters with nutation observations”, IUGG Meeting, Boulder, CO. |
December, 1995, “Developments in Earth rotation measurements”, Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
March, 1996, “Geodetic measurements of Plate motions”, National Geology Teachers Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. |
March 1996, “Diurnal and Semidiurnal Earth Rotation variations”, International GPS Workshop, Silver Spring, MD. |
March 1996, “Transfer of GPS from research to applications”, NAS President’s Circle Basic Science Initiative Meeting, Irvine, CA. |
April 1996, “Applications of the Global Positioning System”, American Physical Society Annual Meeting, Boston, MA |
May 1996, “Correlated noise processes in VLBI and GPS Measurements”, Spring AGU Meeting, Baltimore, MD. |
July 1996, “Measurements of global dynamics”, Department of Geomatic Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. |
July 1996, “Geodetic Studies of the Inner and Outer Core”, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. |
July 1996, “Quasi-rigorous combinations of Space Geodetic measurements”, Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. |
September 1996,”Applications of GPS for Precise Positioning”, Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors and Civil Engineers, Inc., Westorough, MA. |
October 1996, “Principles of GPS”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria. |
October 1996, “Tectonics of Central Asia”, University of Indiana, Physics Department, Indiana. |
December 1996, “Deformations of the Solid-Earth Induced by Variations in Ocean Bottom Pressure”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
June 1997, “Combination of Space Geodetic Measurements”, Deutsches Geodatisches ForchungsInsitute, Munich, Germany |
August 1997, “Corrections to the IAU80 precession and nutations”, IAU meeting, Kyoto, Japan. |
September 1997, “Estimating Spatial Variations in Atmospheric Delays using GPS”, GPS Met conference, Tokyo, Japan. |
October 1997, “Geophysical Applications of GPS”, Amherst, University of Massachusetts. |
November 1997, “Applications of GPS”, Boston College, Boston. |
December 1997, “Center of Mass Variations measured with GPS”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
February 1998, “Space-based geodesy”, Space-based Geosciences Seminar, University of Texas, Austin. |
March 1998, “Global Positioning System”, Knights Fellow Seminar, MIT. |
March 1998, “Precession and nutations of the Earth”, U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC. |
March 1998, “Applications of GLOBK: A Global Geodetic Kalman Filter”, Tsukuba, Japan. |
April 1998, “Measuring Deformations with the GPS”, Department of Physics Seminar, RPI, Troy, New York. |
June 1998, “Atmospheric and Ionospheric Effects on GPS”, White House Weekly meeting on the Future Trends in GPS, Washington, DC. |
October 1998, “Geodetic Measurements of Earth Dynamics”, Geodetic Week, Kaiserslautern, Germany |
December 1998, “Research Opportunities in Geodesy”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
December 1998, “Global Plate Motions”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
January 1999, “Combinations of Space Geodetic Measurements”, GEMSTONE Meeting, Tokyo, Japan. |
April 1999, “Analysis of Anomalous Signals in GPS Height Estimates”, Spring AGU Meeting, Boston, MA. |
October 1999, “Using Data to Build an Understanding of Earth”, Cambridge Middle School Teachers Workshop, Cambridge, MA |
December 1999, “Terrestrial Reference Frame definition with self-consistent Earth Orientation parameters”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
December 1999, “Geophysical Applications of Earth Rotation Measurements”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
January 2000, “Plate Tectonics”, Lexington High School, Lexington, MA |
April 2000, “Global Height Change Measurement using VLBI and GPS”, EGS meeting, Nice France |
June 2000, “Contemporary Rates of Deformation in the Tien Shan”, International Research Center–Geodynamics Proving Ground, Bishkek, Kyrghyzstan |
July 2000, “Current state of IGS Analysis: Quality Assessment”, IGS Workshop, Oslo, Norway. |
December 2000, “Contemporary Rates of Deformation in the Tien Shan”, Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA |
January 2001, “Plate Tectonics”, Lexington High School, Lexington, MA |
January 2001, “Geophysics Teacher Workshop”, Cambridge Middle School Teachers, Cambridge, MA. |
March 2001, “Future Geodetic Technologies”, EGS Meeting, Nice, France. |
June 2001, “Techniques of sensing water vapor with GPS”, NOAA/FSL workshop, Boulder, CO. |
July 2001, “Solid Earth Sciences Working Group Report”, IGRASS Meeting, Sydney, Australia. |
December 2001, “Vertical Reference Frames
for Sea Level”, Fall AGU meeting, San Francisco, CA. |
January 2002, “GPS data analysis with GAMIT/GLOBK”, 5-day course, CMMACS India. |
April 2002, “Global Reference Systems”, EGS meeting, Nice, France. |
August 2002, "Contemporary Horizontal and Vertical Deformation of the Tien Shan", APSG –2002, Irkutsk, Russia |
February 2003, "High Precision Realization and Applications of GPS", New England Section of Institute of Navigation, Cambridge, MA |
December, 2003,, "Results and Comparisons from the Southern California Integrated GPS Network", Fall AGU Meeting, San Francisco, CA |